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XtraBlatt Issue 01-2020

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  • Haymilk
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  • Nitrate
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  • Machinery
  • Krone

INFORM On YouTube you

INFORM On YouTube you can view all Krone Comedy Clips under Krone T-Vision: COMEDY CLIPS JUST FOR FUN Once or twice a year Krone offers super cinema for less than five minutes – in the form of a comedy clip. Central to these slightly different advertising spots is not farm machinery but instead usually human relationships. The effort involved in the filming is enormous – but the results are well worth watching. 32

From then on, it was clear that Krone would continue with these unusual videos. The secret is a storyline that’s hard for viewers to forget. This means the brand message is not forgotten either. Every one of these videos begins with an idea – often in association with a new product. Then the idea ripens over a period of weeks, a film-worthy storyline comes next. A detailed script is then written. Rightly honoured as idea creator and author of all clips recorded right up until his death in 2019 is Krone marketing manager Heinrich Wingels. The challenge for him and his team consisted of taking such themes out of real time and shortening them so that the story could be plausibly and succinctly related in a matter of minutes, backed by artful film scenes. Up until this day nothing in this formula has been changed. For filming the video “Krone Smart Connect(ed)” two agricultural contractors “Julberger” and “Rombach” are created. The story: both have in their machinery fleets the same silage harvester, the same pick up – and both are deadly enemies. As daughter Julia Julberger drives out with the silage harvester, father monitors his fleet online on computer in the home office. Enabling this surveyance is the Krone SmartConnect box, which collects all data from the silage harvester for transmitting by Internet. Via Krone SmartTelematics the driving route can be followed online. From Rombach’s company premises, a BiG X is also driving off, this one manned by the owner’s son Roman. His father follows the harvester’s journey per terminal in the office too – until it deviates from the planned route. The respective children are unreachable by mobile phone and so each father immediately sets off to drive to the location of their silage harvesters. The fathers then meet each other unexpectedly. What happens next? Watch the finale yourself by simply tuning into Comedy Clips. The first clip was created 2012 in Austria. Then, the consideration was how one could most graphically demonstrate the Krone mower feature “DuoGrip” with its double linkage cutterbar control. Created was a video with high entertainment value. The Austrian scything champion of that time demonstrated deftly with her scythe how the principle “suspended at centre of gravity – guided by the linkage arms” functioned. Bringing the comedy was a somewhat jaundiced elderly man whose mower had seen better days and who had, in the end, to admit defeat by the young lady. The video proved a hit with the public and Krone earned loads of praise for the humorous presentation. Filming required several days of thorough preparation. Many requisites were organised, the human cast and the machinery involved carefully groomed. Most of the filming took place within two days. Left over from this are three to five minutes of film. Fine-tuning the result includes adding suitable music. The title is then composed to neatly fit with the finally edited video to highlight in fine detail the emotions in the storyline. The success of this video is able to be assessed not only from the number of clicks on YouTube and Facebook. Every two years, the rewards reaped by this work can also be seen at Agritechnica when hundreds of visitors crowd around the big screen on the KRONE exhibition stand to await the punch lines of the individual stories, conjuring smiles on the faces of the enchanted viewers. « 33